
Mawachihitotaak brings together Métis thinkers and creators from a range of disciplines and professions, including scholars and students working within Métis Studies and Indigenous Studies and those whose work falls in other academic disciplines. We also encourage contributions by Métis thinkers and creators who engage with knowledge systems outside of academia. Diverse perspectives will help us convene a dynamic and generous thinking space to broaden our individual and collective understandings.

Creating space for Métis people to share knowledge with one another is a priority for this symposium. Other Indigenous and non-Indigenous relatives and allies are welcome to come and engage in this space with us. However, Métis thinkers and creators will be prioritized as presenters.

Broad knowledge categories that will be woven throughout the symposium include:

·Academic Research ·Teaching and Knowledge Transfer ·Community Experiences ·Traditional Knowledge ·Arts-Based Explorations

Sessions may take the form of presentations, poster sessions, panels, round table discussions, workshops, artist talks, art interventions, film screenings, poetry/spoken word/literature readings, musical performances, and other formats as approved by the planning committee.

We aimed to include the following;

·Métis health and wellbeing ·Relationality and kinship ·Métis Research methodologies & ethics ·Métis history and archiving ·Métis ancestors and cultural belongings ·Literatures and storytelling ·Language learning and revitalization ·Métis futurities ·Historical and contemporary diplomacy and inter-nation relationships ·2SLGBTQ+ stories Métis feminisms ·Technology ·Life sciences Economics and entrepreneurship ·Governance and legal systems ·Métis geographies, spaces, and places ·Religion and spirituality ·Community organizing and activism ·Peoplehood, self-determination and sovereignty ·Representation ·Visual and Digital Culture ·Land-based stories, knowledges and practices ·Métis Diaspora ·Métis Experiences in Residential and Day schools